Name is:: Mary or Mary Beth
Age is:: 16!! =]
I am:: straight. & I'm single. Kinda boring, but whatever. =D
I'm in:: Eleventh Grade. A junior!! Gosh. I'll be so happy when this year ends. It completely blows. Overload on homework all of the effing time! Give me senior year PLEASE! >__<
Birthday:: April 2, 1991
My life would be dead without:: My friends and music! I always have something playing and my friends are the most important people to me!
I want:: star tattoos on my waist. I'm thinking purple and pink, maybe. If not those, then a little teddybear on my left hip. I also want my lip pierced, but yeah.... Can't do that right now. -__- Evil braces.
My music...interest:: I can't really say an exact type I listen to, because I listen to them all. I like anything I can dance to. I don't get up and dance all the time, but it is nice to have a good rhythym. I also like rock out music and that sort of stuff. I'd say electro and rock are my favorite kinds.
My favorite things/hobbies:: coffee, video camera, digital camera, cell phone, rings, necklaces, bracelets, hearts, pink, purple, hair dye, hair cuts, eyeshadow, eyeliner, polka-dots, stripes, stars, dogs, cats, ferrets, looking at pictures/art, writing, photography, watching movies, sitting alone just to listen to music, watching anime =], going out, traveling, meeting new people, being with friends, and trying new things.

I'm a pretty nice person. I won't bite or anything. If you don't do anything to offend me I am the nicest person out there. I always try to make others laugh or smile, and I like meeting new people. I don't like fighting or having people mad at me, but if it comes down to something like that I am the last to back out of it. I don't really care what others think about me, unless it is someone I care about. If someone I care about thinks badly of me I feel sort of bad. =/ I am the type to put most other's feelings before my own, because I hate seeing people upset. Even if I am not one of your close friends, if I have ever talked to you before I will always listen to what you have to say. I don't go run my mouth about other people and their problems. It is no one else's business. =P For that matter, I hate people who start stupid rumors. I also hate people who lie constantly. The kind who just lie to lie. They have no real reason behind it. It's kinda rude. And fakes! What the hell? Get a life creeps! D< My school blows. lol Of course, who doesn't normally think that? are we posting things about ourselves? Place holders. Place holders. Hah hah.